Virtual Reality Training for People in the
Candian Food and Beverage Manufacturing industry
Welcome Employees!
Watch the Onboarding Video
Welcome To Your Training Portal!
We wish you success as you continue on your learning journey. You will discover that growing your skills is essential not only in your career but in all your relationships with others. When people succeed in improving their knowledge, they enhance their contributions to their organization and to their families and communities as well. We are confident that this program will serve as a memorable milestone in your career development.
Follow the steps below to get started with iFood360°!
Steps to Participating in iFood360°
Click each of the numbered circles for more information and to access the links.
Watch the Onboarding Video
Watch the Onboarding Video
The video will take you through what to expect.
Review Your iFood360° Package
Review your iFood360° Package
There is lots of important and helpful information.
Go Virtual
Go Virtual
Connect with your onsite contact to access the Quest 2 Headset and learn in virtual reality.
Onboarding Video
“Thank you for partnering with Food Processing Skills Canada in this exciting and innovative learning program. We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that your learning journey delivers valuable industry related and social emotional content that is enjoyable and easy to access. This video will walk you through the details of the program and get you off to a great start.”

Jennefer Griffith
Executive Director, FPSC
Sign Up
If you are here for the first time, we need you to complete a registration form.
The form is designed to collect information that will help us understand who is enrolled in the program, what types of assistance might be of most benefit for you, and to highlight specific skills and areas of potential interest.
Please answer all the questions. If you don’t understand a question or are not sure what to write, please let your coordinator know and they will be happy to help you.
The information you provide on this form will be used for iFood360° program purposes only.
To complete the form, click the Sign Up button below.
Your iFood360° Package
You should have received a package with important and helpful information about the iFood360° program. Please take a moment to review the contents. It is all designed to make your participation in the project as productive and enjoyable as possible.
It includes:
- A Welcome Letter
- A Curriculum Workbook – to support your online learning
- A VR Users Guide – to help you get started in VR
- A Reference Card, with information on accessing our resources
- And some extra goodies
Log in to the Learning Management System (LMS)
Your online learning journey will take place on our LMS.
Once you have completed your registration there will be a short delay before you can access the LMS. Once your registration has been completed, you will receive an email with your user name and a link to access the LMS. Use the link in the email or click the ‘Log In’ button below. Enter your username and the password that was provided in your welcome kit.
To learn more about the LMS, watch the onboarding video above, if you haven’t already.

Begin Your Journey in Virtual Reality
Once you’ve completed your online learning, connect with your onsite contact to arrange access to the Meta Quest 2 VR Headset and get ready to enjoy the iFood360 virtual reality experience.
Make sure you read the VR User Guide included in your package. It includes important information about the safe use of your device and will help you get off to a great start.

If you’re having trouble during your learning journey there are several resources to support you.
Onsite Contact
Your company’s onsite contact manages the iFood360° program for your company. They may already know the solution for the problem you are having.
Contact iFood360°
LMS Video
New to the Learning Management System? Click the button below to watch a video on how to use it.
LMS Help
Are you having a problem with the Learning Management System? Click the button below to submit a support request. You can also call 1-800-730-7115 and select option 3.
Getting Set Up with the Quest 2 Headset
The Meta Quest 2 headset can take some time to get familiar with. Here are some helpful instructions and videos on how to get set up for success. This is not a substitution for reading the safety instructions that came with the headset, or the Meta Quest 2 User Guide that was provided with your program package. Be sure to thoroughly review those documents before using your headset.
1. Adjusting Your Straps and Lenses
The first step of getting set up is to adjust the straps and lenses to ensure your headset is comfortable and that the picture is clear.
First, make sure the headset is turned on. If the headset is already on, the indicator light (on the right side of the headset) will be white.

If there is no light, push the power button, to the left of the indicator light. It will take a moment for the headset to start.
Now watch the video and follow the instructions.
Tip: You can hold the headset up to your face with your hand to check the adjustment of the lenses before adjusting your straps
2. Grasp the Controllers
The controllers for the Quest 2 can be confusing at first. A simple way to determine the left from the right controller is that the left controller has a ‘Y’ and ‘X’ button, and the right controller has an ‘A’ and ‘B’ button.
The image on the right demonstrates how to grasp the controllers correctly. Be sure to slide the safety straps over each wrist and tighten them first, for your safety, and the safety of others.
The image below demonstrates how to grasp the controllers correctly. Be sure to slide the safety straps over each wrist and tighten them first, for your safety, and the safety of others.

For each controller, the grip switch should be facing your other hand, or inwards. Your index, or pointer finger, should rest on the trigger switch, at the front of the controller. Your middle finger should rest on the grip switch, and your thumbs should hover over the buttons within the dark grey circle. Your ring finger and little finger grasp the controller.

3. Setting the Guardian
When you are using a VR headset, you will not be aware of the environment around you. That’s why it is important to set a ‘Guardian’ boundry to ensure you are safe during your experience.
Watch the video on the right to set up a safe stationary boundry for yourself when you are in VR.
You should remain stationary when engaging in the upcoming VR experiences. You can be seated or standing. If you are seated, we recommend that you use a swivel chair to allow you to fully explore the environment.
Get Familiar with VR
Now that your headset is fitted and you are gripping the controllers correctly, we’d like you to explore the Oculus ‘First Steps’ program. This program is a great introduction to the virtual reality environment, and will help you get familiar with the controllers and the experience.
Watch the video to the right on how to launch ‘First Steps,’ then use the headset and controllers to launch the program.
Tip: A small percentage of people can feel uncomfortable when using VR. If you experience nausea, dizziness, or general discomfort, feel free to stop at any time. Please still complete the the post experience survey so we can understand the extent of the issue
Explore iFood360°
Now that you are comfortable in VR, it’s time to explore iFood360°.
Watch the video to the right on how to launch ‘iFood360°,’ then use the headset and controllers to launch the program.
The iFood360° curriculum is broken into 2 streams, operational skills and social emotional skills, and includes industry validated online learning and newly developed virtual immersive experiences to enhance and reinforce the e-learning content. FPSCs library of e-learning courses is developed with subject matter experts – by industry, for industry.
Use the arrows and thumbnails below to explore your iFood360° project curriculum streams.
Operational Skills
The operational skills curriculum focuses on food and worker safety, and will deliver detailed instruction on important theory and processes to enhance your industry knowledge and skills.
Industry Specific Skills
Workplace and Industrial Safety

1 hr. E-learning Course
This course covers safety measures that are required to ensure a healthy and safe work environment. Students will learn how to identify potential hazards and how to respond to them.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Get ready to work safely. Select and put on your PPE in virtual reality.
Industry Specific Skills
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)

2 hr. E-learning Course
This course covers how GMPs support the safe manufacturing of food. It teaches students how to identify food safety hazards and how they can have a positive impact on food safety.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Complete a virtual reality pre-op inspection to make sure you are productive and safe at work.
Industry Specific Skills
Lock Out Tag Out

1 hr. E-learning Course
This course covers Lock Out Tag Out procedures and why they are important. It teaches the basic steps to a successful Lock Out Tag Out procedure and the responsibilities for each.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Complete a virtual reality lock out tag out procedure to ensure the safety of your coworkers and the equipment.
Industry Specific Skills
Sanitation Level 1

2 hr. E-learning Course
This course provides those who perform or will be performing sanitation, with an essential general background knowledge related to the principles of cleaning and sanitation as well as common food industry practices.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Complete a full wet-cleaning procedure in virtual reality to protect against contamination
Industry Specific Skills
Allergens Level 1

2 hr. E-learning Course
This course covers the priority list of allergens in Canada. Students will learn to identify the sources of allergens related to food safety incidents and describe the best practices and regulations to prevent them.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Make sure you handle allergens properly to prevent contamination.
Industry Specific Skills
Distribution and Warehouse Food Safety

4 hr. E-learning Course
This course will help students understand their role in Good Warehouse Practices and the food safety practices that apply in food processing companies, distribution centers and logistics firms.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Identify potential food safety hazards in the shipping, receiving and warehouse areas.
Industry Specific Skills
Food Spoilage and Food Safety

2 hr. E-learning Course
Participants will learn the important role food workers have in supporting their workplace food safety culture. By following food safety practices, food workers help their employer to protect the consumer and meet government regulations.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Complete a food QA inspection to protect consumers and your business.

Social Emotional Skills
The social emotional curriculum focuses on the five elements of emotional intelligence, and delivers training on understanding and managing the social and emotional aspects of you life. The courses cover important and impactful learning, including knowing and handling your emotions, and developing your adaptability, empathy, and resilience.
Social Emotional Skills
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

2 hr. E-learning Course
Understand yourself better, to help you deal with everyday problems and conflicts more effectively, making better decisions, building and maintaining healthy relationships with others’, and being more productive at work.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Visit the virtual Champion’s League village and refresh your Emotional Intelligence knowledge.
Social Emotional Skills
Knowing and Handling My Emotions

2 hr. E-learning Course
By completing this training, you will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools that will help you better understand your emotions and how to handle them, which results in greater self-mastery.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Visit the Champion Foods processing area and learn how to better understand and handle your emotions.
Social Emotional Skills
Adaptability in the Workplace

2 hr. E-learning Course
The working world is constantly changing. When change is constant and unpredictable, people who are adaptable are not only better able to survive but also thrive.
Social Emotional Skills
Empathy at Work

2 hr. E-learning Course
Empathy, as an emotional intelligence skill, is the key to unlock better and healthier relationships with others and build true, empathetic connections, which enhances relationships, collaboration, inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Visit the Champion Foods cafeteria and immerse in a 360° video experience to understand how empathy can strengthen relationships.
Social Emotional Skills
Building Personal Resilience

4 hr. E-learning Course
This course will provide employees with insight and guidance on how to build their personal resilience in order to better manage stress and deal effectively with challenging situations.

Virtual Immersive Experience
Visit the Champion Foods racetrack and discover how resilience can help you deal with challenging situations.